Tuesday, 26 October 2010

1940s Aramco pictures, Dammam house structures

I found these wonderful pictures a while ago and I don't remember where from, except that they are ARAMCO photographs taken in Dammam in the 1940s. I'm fascinated by the diversity of Architecture here. Does anyone know where these photos are from? or have any more?

Monday, 25 October 2010

Cafe Liwan

A little trip to our local Liwan cafe 'en famille' . Have you discovered it yet?

Monday, 18 October 2010

A walk on the farm

Today is the first time in months I've been able to open the windows without feeling like I just opened the oven door. Its a beautiful 35 degrees C, no humidity and an exquisite breeze. I cant tell you how blissful that is, we are looking forward to finally be able to do outside activities, flying kites and picnics on the corniche, a trip to visit the sea port, or perhaps a walk on the farm.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Since coming here Oasis Magazine is one of my favorite discoveries. It really puts you in touch with what is going on around the Kingdom. The first English language Arts and Culture Magazine from Saudi Arabia, beautifully designed it provides a real insight into Saudi arts and culture . I cant praise it enough definatly a must read for anyone interested in Saudi Arabia. Take a look at the website here or the blog here.


Saturday, 16 October 2010

Bamboo Love

Last weekend, we had a little trip to Ikea (oh yes Ikea is in Saudi Arabia too!!!). We went with my Dad to have a little look around, and raid the houseplant section. I love houseplants but since moving here my ultra green fingers have suffered hopefully a temporary fault. Kuku my eldest had asked me for a plant of her own so that she could be 'responsible' for it. Unfortunately the shelves were quite bare with only some big plants left but we did find some bamboo. Perfect.... we took two home with us.

Bobo's has found its home in the living room.

Kuku's lives on her bedside table.

Friday, 8 October 2010

I love....Black and white photography 2

I love this series of photographs, My Father on the left, my Uncle in the center and my Grandma taken on a fishing trip in Alexandria, Egypt.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Reza Abedini

I really like Reza Abedini's work, its so visually powerful. I would love one of these on my wall.

Monday, 4 October 2010

The Streets

Some common sights from my car window.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Roads of Arabia

I love this funerery stelae, part of the Roads of Arabia exhibition at the Louvre. It has such expression.